
My name is Hanna Gail  and I am in 7th grade. I am enormously exited to do my second-favorite thing; Talk about books!! (The first being reading books). Technically I guess I am writing which is my third favorite thing. Sorry, I'm getting off track. To the point. If you are not a bookworm then this blog is not for you. How do know if you are a bookworm? Easy. Do your teachers constantly have to tell you to"put away that book now" under threats of detention? Do you often find yourself daydreaming about mythical worlds? Do you settle down for a nice read and after what you could have sworn was only minutes have gone by you casually glance at the clock and find you have been reading for hours? If you suffer from any of these symptoms than you probably have Bookworm-itus (sorry, there is no known cure). 
        I for one have all these things happen to me on numerous occasions. If there is a problem in my life then books will usually solve it. Bored? Read.  Angry? Read.  Grounded from reading? Hmm, that one is a little tricky. As you can see, my life does not present very complicated problems. Silly me, getting off topic again. That will happen a lot. Might as well get used to it. Anyway, you might be thinking; hey, she spelled 'bookworm' wrong on her blog title. Nope. I am actually a very good spelar. 

      I called my blog  book-wyrm  because a wyrm is a dragon that frequently appears in British  literature and mythology, and I will mostly be writing about young-adult fiction and fantasy. I will try to write on here at least once a week but I can not promise complete frequency. I am a very busy person. (Reading).  From now on, almost every post I make will be about a specific book or book series.

     I will try to spoil as little as possible (maybe). However, if for some highly unlikely reason I do have to spoil something, then I will put; "SPOILER ALERT!!!!" and put said spoil in parentheses so you can skip it if you want. I am thinking for my next post I will write about the book series; Wings of Fire.



  1. Hanna, this is funny....your sense of humor really comes out as you write! Doing book reviews is a great idea. -Mrs. Ames


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